Hervey Bay is a popular destination for fishing in Queensland, Australia. Known for its rich variety of fish species, including the humble but tasty whiting. Whiting are a common target for visiting anglers & are a favourite among many who enjoy fishing from the beach. Whiting are relatively easy to catch & can be found in large numbers in the waters of Hervey Bay. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of catching whiting from the beach in Hervey Bay, including tips, tricks & gear recommendations.
Booking.comTime & Place
The best time to catch whiting in Hervey Bay is during the winter months. From May to September, when the water is cooler. Although, whiting can be caught all year round in Hervey Bay. During winter, whiting are more active & are more likely to be found in shallow waters. During the summer months, whiting are more likely to be found in slightly deeper waters.
The best locations for catching whiting in Hervey Bay is in the shallows. Click Here – Land based fishing spots. Look for areas where the water is shallow & there is a lot of sand. Preferably with yabby holes or weed beds. Whiting are attracted to these areas as they provide plenty of food & cover. Other areas where there is a sand bank or a drop-off can be targeted as these areas are also ideal for whiting.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when fishing for whiting in Hervey Bay is to use the right gear. My biggest tip here is to ‘go light to get the bite!’ A light rod will allow you to feel the bite & to have a good fight with the fish. A rod length of 7-9 feet is ideal. You should also use a small reel, perhaps 1000 or 2500 sized, with a smooth drag & a light line, such as 4-6 lb monofilament.
I will place a couple of video links below. In these videos I explain the exact rigs, rods & reels we use for fishing for whiting in different situations. Our outfit for beach fishing on K’Gari – Fraser Island is different to that which we use land based around Hervey Bay. But each video should give you the key detail for a suggested whiting rig.
For bait, you can use live or dead beach worms, freshly pumped yabbies or even peeled prawns. Whiting are opportunistic feeders & will take most baits. But, fresh yabbies, worms & prawns are their favourite. Make sure your bait is fresh & lively, as this will attract more fish. We seem to have the most success using freshly pumped yabbies or pipis.
How To Fish
Once you have your gear & bait ready, you can start fishing. My biggest tip here, is that you want to be fishing where the fish are or will be. To solve this riddle you need to remember that whiting will be looking for a place to hide when they are not feeding. Weed beds make perfect cover for whiting. And, look for a food source which will attract them when they are hungry, such as yabby beds. Randomly casting your bait out as far as you can along a stretch of beach is not the best approach.
We tend to find that the first few hours of a flooding tide are best. Whiting seem to emerge from deeper water or weed beds & move up onto shallow sand banks looking for food during this time. Sometimes, even though you can see them in the water you will need to wait patiently for a bite. Whiting are not always aggressive feeders & can be quite finicky, so you need to be quick & alert when you feel a bite.

Setting That Hook
Try not to strike hard when you feel a tap on your line. Instead, once you feel a whiting sucking on your bait, you should use a slow retrieve, reeling in the line slowly & steadily until the rod loads up. Whiting can be strong fighters. If you are using a light rod, be careful not to put too much pressure on the fish, as this could literally pull the hook from the whiting’s mouth.
Final Thoughts
Once you have caught a whiting, you should remove the hook as quickly as possible & place the fish in a cooler or bucket of water. Whiting are delicate fish & should be handled with care.
In conclusion, catching whiting from the beach in Hervey Bay is a fun & rewarding experience. Kids love it & it is a great way to keep them entertained. With the right gear, bait & techniques, you can easily catch a feed of whiting & as a bonus enjoy a day of fishing in beautiful Hervey Bay. Remember to always fish responsibly, following bag limits, and to practice catch & release where possible.
Good luck & happy fishing!