‘Hand Built and Tested Tough’, Yellowfin Plate Boats are back!! Actually, you could argue they never really left the boating scene. Since 1984 Yellowfin has experienced a little bit of an up and down journey. There have never been any doubts regarding the quality of Yellowfin plate boats. Instead Yellowfin seems to have always been pushing hard to establish its own identity in the shadow of the mighty Quintrex brand.
One thing is for sure. Telwater are determined to reinforce Yellowfin as a standalone brand. A brand with 35 years of history, experience and refinement behind it. Dedicated to listening to customer feedback and delivering the ONE %’ers, which define great boats. A brand which offers a comprehensive range of boats to its customers regardless of if you live in the NT or Tasmania.

The Testing Day
We were lucky enough to be invited along to the Yellowfin plate boat media day. To see firsthand, what all the hype was about. And of course, to judge for ourselves. If Yellowfin plate boats, construct the ultimate offshore plate aluminium boat.
Yellowfin plate boats offer a comprehensive range of models to choose from. Twenty-seven to be exact. And, during the media day we were presented with the opportunity to climb over and ride in five of the new look Yellowfin range.
New Look
New look, as a number of the ONE %’ers which Yellowfin speak about involve a focus on the boats presentation. Gone is the standard Telwater white paint finish. Instead, moored in front of us, were some very mean looking boats with 2 and 3 tone paint combinations. Updated decals and stripes, stainless rod holders and sinker cups.
For the media day we had a 6200 rear console, a 7000 hard top, a 7600 Southerner hard top. A 7000 centre cab and a 5800 folding hard top. All powered by the latest in Evinrude G2 outboards. But no matter how hard I tried. I could not take my eyes off the 6200 rear console.

Rear Console
If you are a fishing TV show tragic like me. You will no doubt have seen this style of boat being used extensively by guides in the NT and NQ. The rear console design allows for the skippers and two passenger seats to be set at the rear of the boat. This opens a very large central fishing area forward of the console.
Which in the Yellowfin rear console consists of a wide step capable of storing 2 to 3 deep cycle batteries. This step leads to a massive raised casting platform. Providing fisho’s the perfect vantage point to cast lures at likely fish holding locations. Or, to swing a few crab pots into a mangrove edge.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that this boat is only for the dedicated fisher. The versatility built into the design means that seats can be rearranged to see people seated in the centre of the boat. Or, to even have a person seated up on the casting deck.
The console is large, with plenty of room for modern day sounders. The transom is extremely well laid out. With a large access door, and heavy-duty step, a removable bait board and live bait tank.

Yes, the hard-core fishers out there will love this boat. But, it is just as capable of taking the family out to the reef for a day exploring. This boat is certainly built tough, strong enough to take a few knocks as you sneak into your favourite, secluded private beach. Or, to retrieve those extremely well-hidden crab pots.
Yellowfin plate boats are built with marine core construction. Meaning the entire range is built with an internal sub frame. Consisting of longitudinal and latitudinal ribs providing strength and which also help shape the hull.
They are also constructed with 6mm vertical stringers and 5mm horizontal ribs. Finished with a fully welded checker plate floor. The chine and keel are not simply welded but re-enforced by a total of 4 welds. 6mm plate bottom sheets and 4mm topsides mean the Yellowfin plate range is built for serious fishing and boating.
On Water
After taking in as much detail as I could while the boats were moored. We divided ourselves up amongst our small fleet of Yellowfin plate boats and headed out into Moreton Bay. I was on board the 7000 centre cab for the ride across Moreton Bay.

Centre Cab
Yellowfin have never produced a centre cab model in the past. After listening to customer feedback. It was clear to Yellowfin that they needed to design and provide for their customers a boat which can offer the best of both a centre console and a cabin boat.
This boat really is a great option for fishers and families alike. The deck space on offer behind the centre cab is huge. Providing plenty of room for a few mates or a family to fish along side of one another. Having small children, I was very happy to see nice high sides which would prevent little ones from easily falling overboard.
The centre cab offers a few simple luxuries which can sometimes prove to be deal breakers when trying to convince our partners to invest in a boat. Protection from the elements, comfortable reversible chairs. Room for a huge 140 litre esky, dry storage inside the cab and even the option to have a porta potty which can be used in privacy. These are all massive pluses when engaging in the ‘please can I buy a boat’, conversation.
Our ride across Moreton Bay was smooth and dry thanks to the Yellowfins Offshore HD hull. Constructed with 6mm plate bottom sheets, complete with a sharp entry point and 19-degree variable deadrise. Along with a reverse chine which works to deflect spray away from the boat. I found the ride to be smooth and stable.
The ONE %er’s
While stopping for lunch I managed some time with a few of the Yellowfin plate boat specialists to quiz them over a few more of the ONE %er’s which they have built into these boats. Our conversation turned to electronics after noticing how large the Lowrance screens were in each of the boats.
Dash space across the range has been increased to accommodate 16” electronics and access to the battery isolator switch has been made super easy. Not only that, but the entire wiring harness has been upgraded to 80 amp in the Yellowfin range of boats. There are no longer fuses, only circuit breakers installed. Access to the wiring harness is very easy. There is an upgraded LED lighting kit installed and standard across all the hard tops in the Yellowfin range are Zipwake Trim Tabs.

After lunch, we spent some time on the water capturing photographs of the boats on the move. During which time, I managed to crawl over the storage options in the 7000 hard top. One feature I was impressed with was the extra spacing provided between the skippers and passenger seat. Both seats are mounted upon large dry storage boxes. I had noticed earlier in the 7000 hard top that the dry storage box under the skipper’s seat was used to store 3x 12v deep cycle batteries. Enough to power a 36v 112lb, 72-inch Minn Kota which could be fitted on the optional thruster bracket.
The entire Yellowfin range can achieve great range due to large fuel tanks being fitted. With the Yellowfin 7600 Southerner capable of carrying 380 litres of fuel. There are many, many more standard and optional extras available across the Yellowfin range of boats. My suggestion is that you jump onto the Yellowfin website to see them all, as I simply cannot cover them all in this article. – https://www.yellowfinplateboats.com.au/

Two Key Features
Two key features I would like to focus upon before delivering my verdict on the Yellowfin plate boat range. The first is tackle storage. Yellowfin have heard loud and clear from fisho’s the need for plenty of tackle storage, including rod holders. No matter where I positioned myself on these boats there always seemed to be a rod holder nearby. The reel easy rod holders on the hardtop Yellowfin models fold down at the pull of a pin, making life super easy.
General standard storage options are ample. Including huge side pockets. For the hardcore fishers out there. The option of adding a deluxe bait station which can hold 10 large tackle trays or an alloy cutting board really is hard to refuse. In fact one of those options is a must.

Second, price point. Boats are a luxury item and when it comes down to laying your hard-earned cash down for a boat. We all want maximum bang for our buck. Yellowfin have approached pricing in what I believe is a very smart way. They offer each Yellowfin boat at a base price, and these prices will pleasantly surprise you.
Options then exists to then go through and add some of the optional extras here and there. Or, to keep things simple. You can elect to have a platinum pack installed on the boat. The platinum pack consists of the most commonly ordered optional extras for each of the Yellowfin plate boats all packaged together offering more savings for you.
My Final Thoughts
My final thoughts on the new Yellowfin plate boat range. I honestly feel that Yellowfin are going to shake up the Australian plate boat market in a big way. With this reinvigorated push to re-establish the Yellowfin brand. Affordable price point, is a huge factor and when you talk to your local Yellowfin dealer. I really do feel you will be surprised at how much boat you can secure for a very decent price.
‘Hand Built, Tested Tough’, there is no denying the Yellowfin plate range of boats are built extremely well, they are tough and proven. 35 years of plate boat construction has allowed Yellowfin to refine their products to a point at which they really are delivering exactly what their customers want.