Fishing with jigs is nothing new, the technique has been around for many years. Thanks to a multitude of YouTube and FaceBook videos in recent years, the technique has become extremely popular. Where To Start You have probably watched a few of these videos. Crystal clear 4k footage set to some perfectly timed background music….
Blog & Vlog

Exploring Deep Creek & Sheridan Flat in the Great Sandy Strait
Join us onboard as we explore Deep Creek and Sheridan Flat. Launching the Fusion 19 from the Urangan boat harbour in Hervey Bay and head south into the Great Sandy Strait situated on the Fraser Coast. We explore Deep Creek by paddle board and kayak, visit the remains of SS Palmer and then cook up…

Quick Friday Flathead Fishing Session in Hervey Bay
With only a few hours available to head out fishing I played it safe and went for a flathead flick. Come along for the ride as I talk through some tackle prep. Locations to fish and do battle with a health 66cm Fraser Coast flathead. I apologise up front re audio and some of the…

A New PB 105cm Diamond Trevally
Join me as I break my PB for a Diamond Trevally with a 105cm rough cut diamond joining me for an arm stretching good time. Plus, we talk jigging, catch a few queenfish and finish off our fishing session with a nice little golden trevally !! Don’t forget to subscribe to our Facebook page to enter our subscriber only giveaways !!…

The Good Times Will Return
If you turn on the TV now, it is hard not to notice, all the doom and gloom messaging about covid-19. Scroll through social media and it appears that anglers and boaties everywhere are arguing amongst themselves about the right to fish. The right to boat versus the stay at home messaging. It is an…

Whiting on Poppers & Exploring Dundonga Creek on Fraser Island
We are off on another Fraser Island adventure. This time we go fishing for whiting using small poppers. After landing some nice sized whiting the kids help to pump some yabbies. While mum and dad are busy cooking lunch the kids have fun catching whiting and bream along the beach. After our lunch time cookup,…

Exploring Bowal Creek & Wathumba Creek on K’Gari – Fraser Island
Join us as we explore Bowal Creek & Wathumba Creek on Fraser Island. We head north from the Urangan Boat harbour in Hervey Bay. Boating along the western side of Fraser Island. Our ultimate destination is Wathumba Creek. A must visit boating destination on the Fraser Coast. But, we get distracted along the way and…

Jigging for Trevally Queenfish & Mackerel in Platypus Bay
A solo fishing mission which sees me catching trevally, queenfish and mackerel all while jigging reef patches. In this video I head deep into Platypus Bay off of Fraser Island. Fishing reef patches in 20 metres of water with jigs. I catch trevally, mackerel and some fat queenfish before the bite shuts down and I…

Fishing For Longtail Tuna With A Gorilla
Yes, the title of this post might have you confused ?? But, in this video we head out fishing the Hervey Bay local waters specifically targeting Longtail Tuna with Gorilla lures. Not only do we find the longtail, but we also contend with sharks, tail wraps and listen to some dodgy disco music….. What more…

Grunter & Flathead on the Flats of Fraser Island
In this video we manage to catch a few grunter and flathead along the flats of Fraser Island. During a weekend family boating adventure. It certainly was another busy weekend. Packing up the family and boating across to Fraser Island. With the intent to relax and cast a few lures around. While I am busy…