If you are fishing Hervey Bay for the first time and do not know where to start, then keep reading! Over the years a number of artificial reefs have been created throughout Hervey Bay waters. These artificial reefs provide recreational anglers and divers with superb fishing and explorative opportunities. And, they are located only a…
Blog & Vlog

The Ultimate Guide to Catching Tailor on Fraser Island: Tips and Techniques
Tailor fishing on K’gari – Fraser Island can be productive throughout the entire year. However, there are certain times of year when the chances of a successful catch of tailor are higher than others. The best time to go fishing for tailor on K’gari – Fraser Island is from May to September, which is regarded…

10 Fascinating But Little Known Facts About K’Gari – Fraser Island
K’Gari, more commonly referred to as Fraser Island, is a beautiful and unique island located off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It is the largest sand island in the world and is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Many visitors are attracted to the island for its stunning beaches, great fishing and…

Catching Mud Crabs – Essentials For Your Next Delicious Seafood Dinner
Heading out to catch a tasty feed of crabs is one of the most popular forms of fishing in Queensland. Be it sinking crab pots from your boat. Or placing crab pots by adventurous land based anglers. Crabbing is easy to do & easily accessible. Mud crabs are a popular delicacy & expensive to buy….

How To Catch Tasty Hervey Bay Whiting – Land Based
Hervey Bay is a popular destination for fishing in Queensland, Australia. Known for its rich variety of fish species, including the humble but tasty whiting. Whiting are a common target for visiting anglers & are a favourite among many who enjoy fishing from the beach. Whiting are relatively easy to catch & can be found…

Mackerel Fishing Using Metal Slugs
Mackerel fishing is fun, fast & action packed. And, we have been doing a lot of it recently. With only short weather windows to get out onto the water. Targeting spotted & school mackerel while the kids are on school holidays is perfect, if you are looking to secure a quick, easy meal. Spotted &…

Wathumba Creek Whiting Fishing, Dolphins, Jigging, Sneaky Snapper & Amazing Sunset.
Our latest YouTube video is now live, titled – Wathumba Creek Whiting Fishing, Dolphins, Jigging, Sneaky Snapper & Amazing Sunset – Episode 136 Booking.com Smash that ‘Subscribe Button‘. Then hit play to join our latest family fishing, boating & exploring adventure to Wathumba Creek on K’Gari – Fraser Island. After battling a sneaky south westerly…

Fraser Island Winter Family Fishing & 4×4 Adventure
Our latest YouTube video is now live, titled – K’gari – Fraser Island Winter Family Fishing & 4×4 Adventure – Episode 135 Pack your beanie & your rain coat & join us as we head off for a family adventure on Fraser Island. Featuring beach jigging & bait fishing for massive whiting & bream. Getting…

Saturday Hervey Bay Fishing Session
Our latest YouTube video is now live, titled – Quick Saturday Fishing Session featuring Pinkies, Pelican, Bacon & Dinner – Episode 134 This video is a little different than our normal full day adventure videos. This one is more of a RAW look at one of our quick weekend fishing trips. With literally only a…

Beach Surf Jigging on K’Gari – Fraser Island
Our latest YouTube video is now live, titled – Beach Jigging – Fishing K’Gari – Fraser Island – Episode 133 Beach jigging is an incredibly effective way of fishing from the beach. This is the second of two videos covering one of our beach fishing expeditions along the eastern side of K’Gari – Fraser Island…