K’Gari, more commonly referred to as Fraser Island, is a beautiful and unique island located off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It is the largest sand island in the world and is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Many visitors are attracted to the island for its stunning beaches, great fishing and unique perched lakes. But, there are a few fascinating and little-known facts about K’Gari that make it an even more interesting destination. Here are 10 fascinating but little known facts about K’Gari Fraser Island plus a few local tips.
Booking.comSand, Sand and More Sand !!
Fact 1 – K’Gari has some of the purest sand on earth. The sand on K’Gari is considered some of the purest on earth, and it is so fine that it has been used in the production of silicon chips. The sand is made up of almost 100% quartz, and it is so reflective that it can sometimes be seen from space.
Local Tip – If camping on the island, pack a dust pan and brush. This makes cleaning sand out of your tent etc super easy. Also, after a hot summer day. During the late evening and into the night when you have a bright moon and clear sky. If you are camping on the island in an area of pure white sand such as Wathumba Creek. You can actually see a slight glow to the sand. It is truly amazing to witness.
Fact 2 – It is the only place in the world where tall rainforests grow on sand dunes. K’Gari is home to a unique ecosystem that includes tall rainforests growing on sand dunes. This is the only place in the world where this occurs, and it is a testament to the island’s incredible biodiversity.
Local Tip – When driving across the island from either east to west or west to east. Take note of the changing vegetation. You can clearly see transitions in ecosystems. Within a few kilometers it can transition from saltpan to mangroves. Onto dunes, wetlands and swamps, vine forests and suddenly into lush forest.
Booking.comK’Gari Is Huge
Fact 3 – K’Gari – Fraser Island is approximately 120 kilometers long and ranges from between 22km at its widest point to just 5km wide at its narrowest point.
Local Tip – Travelling time on the island is very difficult to judge. Especially with the added complexity of tidal influences on the beaches. Our hot tip, is to double any planned travelling time. You just never know what you will find around the next corner. 5kms should only take a few minutes right? Until you come around a corner and find someone bogged to their axles. Half an hour later!
Fact 4 – Captain James Cook first noted the island in 1770 and presumed it to be part of the main land and named it the Great Sandy Peninsula.
Fact 5 – Matthew Flinders came ashore over 200 years ago on 1 August 1799 at Sandy Cape.
Local Tip – Sandy Cape is magical. For a day trip or camping we think it is a must visit place on the island. But be warned, it is hard to get to if you are not prepared. Tour companies wont take you there. This is a dedicated 4×4 adventure trip destination only!
Booking.comHistory Gets Confusing
Fact 6 – Most sources state that Captain William Edwardson first navigated the passage from Tin Can Bay to Hervey Bay in 1822, determining that the Great Sandy Peninsula was actually a island. However, there is a monument located at Dayman Park in Hervey Bay. Stating that Lt Joseph Dayman R.N. passed Dayman Point in the schooner “Asp” after making the first passage of Fraser Island Straits in 1847.
Local Tip – While that may sound a little confusing. What we can all agree on, is that the look out at Dayman Point is fantastic and any visitors to Hervey Bay should go and check it out!
Fact 7 – A new name was given to the island in 1836 after the survivors of a shipwreck of the Stirling Castle found their way ashore and the death of Captain J.Fraser. Fraser Island became known as “Frasers’ Island”, although the name “Great Sandy Island” was still retained on maps for another 100 years.
Local Tip – Spend sometime learning the history of the island. It holds some very dark secrets!
Booking.comWhat To See?
Fact 8 – K’Gari has over 100 freshwater lakes. This is one of the most unique features of K’Gari Fraser Island. The lakes are formed by rainwater that is filtered through the sand and is rich in nutrients, creating an ideal environment for freshwater fish and other aquatic life.
Local Tip – Don’t Rush!! Some of the lakes have walking tracks. These vary is distance, some will take you completely around a lake and others only a short way to a secluded view. Lots of people rush to the lakes. Jump out of their 4×4, take a happy snap at the common viewing areas and then rush off to the next lake. But, if you spend some time exploring the lakes edges. Even walk the walking track. You can discover all sorts of unique flora and fauna.
Fact 9 – Fraser Island is home to a population of purebred dingoes that are considered the purest strain of dingoes in Australia. These dingoes have been isolated on the island for thousands of years and have adapted to the island’s unique ecosystem. Visitors to the island are encouraged to be cautious around these wild animals, as they can be dangerous if they feel threatened.
Local Tip – Pack a good camera lens with a good zoom so you can get those holiday snaps of these gorgeous animals from a distance.

And Finally
Fact 10 – K’Gari is the traditional name for Fraser Island and is derived from the Butchulla language. The Butchulla people are the traditional owners of the land and have lived on the island for over 5,000 years. The name “K’Gari” means “paradise” and is a fitting name for this beautiful and serene island.
Final Tip – No matter where you live in the world, we believe K’Gari – Fraser Island needs to be on your travel destination bucket list. But Hey!! We maybe a tad biased….